Bush Champion Support Package

Farmer Power Bush Champion Brochure

Sponsorship Benefits:

  • Associate Membership of Farmer Power
  • Acknowledgement of Sponsorship in Farmer Power Audio visual materials and on website
  • Promotion through social media channels
  • Opportunity to provide corporate promotional material at events
  • Supply of Full Colour Bush Champions poster for display at your business premises.

Platinum – $20,000 and above

Gold – $5,000

Tailored Package Any amount in cash or in kind including small monthly subscriptions\

Farmer Power Initiatives

We believe you are aware of the difficulties being faced by dairy farmers. The daily crisis is actually getting worse, despite the attempts by the government and processors to talk things up. We are seeking your support in assisting dairy farmers through this crisis. We need support for the initiatives that Farmer Power wish to implement to help in their fight for a fair deal for all dairy farmers, through sponsorship of Farmer Power initiatives.

We are seeking donations as seed funding for Farmer Power to take the next step in being able to provide real representation with a single voice for dairy farmers. Farmers have largely lost faith with the current industry leadership, and so the framework for representation and advocacy needs radical reform. We need to achieve industry reform that puts dairy farmers and the business supporting farmers back into profit.

Factors Affecting Dairy Farmers

  • The continuing dairy crisis, with farm gate milk prices this year 10% less than last year despite the global dairy lift, at levels well below the cost of production.
  • Unfair contracts being imposed on farmers which keep them in a vulnerable situation
  • Farmers leaving the industry and selling their cows, so that milk production is plummeting
  • The continued inaction of the government in addressing the crisis

The Plight of Farmers

Over the past nine months, Farmer Power has issued more than 100 media releases to alert the media and the public to the plight of dairy farmers. Partly because of this, six different inquiries have been launched into the industry. Farmer Power has made detailed written submissions as well as attended hearing’s and meetings with politicians. So far there is more talk than action, but some achievements are beginning to emerge. We need resources to continue to press the case for dairy farmers, and achieve long lasting industry reform. This is essential not only for the future of Australia’s dairy industry, but also for the survival of rural businesses and regional communities which are economically and socially dependent on dairying.

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