7-Eleven are ‘Making a Move’ for mental health this October

15/10/21: 7-Eleven Media Release

7-Eleven Australia is encouraging its more than 8,000 strong team to participate in mental health organisation ReachOut’s Make a Move this October. 

ReachOut is the most accessed online mental health service for young people and those that care for them in Australia. So far this year, more than 880,000 people from NSW and over 380,000 people from QLD have accessed ReachOut’s services. 

According to 7-Eleven Australia CEO and Managing Director, Angus McKay, mental health is a critical part of workplace health and safety, and the impacts of the past two years mean a focus on mental health is vital for everyone.

“By working directly with our charity partner ReachOut we hope to make a real difference to not only the wellbeing of our team but the young people that ReachOut supports. When you see the figures around the need for mental health services in this country the results are truly staggering,” said Mr McKay. 

“As a leader, I have an important role to play in talking about, and encouraging awareness of, mental health and wellbeing conversations. One way to do that is to encourage our team with initiatives such as Make a Move.

“Being active for 15, 30 or 60 minutes a day and taking part in Make a Move can be a great way to build a habit that can do so much for your mental health. For me, it’s usually swimming laps, but I’ve switched to running until I can get back into the pool.”

In addition to increasing awareness, Make a Move will raise funds to support ReachOut’s vital work.

Tracey Campbell, Director of Marketing and Fundraising at ReachOut Australia said the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on young people has been considerable.

“COVID-19 restrictions have had a significant impact on young people across Australia who are dealing with a range of complex issues, uncertainty and in many cases mental health challenges, Ms Campbell said.

“October is Mental Health Month, so now is a great time to get behind this cause. Make A Move is a chance to have a bit of fun while helping to ensure that young people across Australia can access the help they need when it comes to their mental health.”

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